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For any questions you may have, or for info on my ongoing research email or through contact form below:

About the Project: 


How do we interact with the places we live in? How do calls for accessibility and disability justice acknowlege and relate to land in their understandings of urban spaces?


In Canada, a settler-colonial state, what are the ways that accessibility activism and Indigenous sovereignty activism relate, connect? What tenstions and incommensurabilities exist?


Through a textual analysis of Tuck and Yang's Decolonization is not a Metaphor (2012) and De Certeau's Walking in the City (1984), an embodied experience of the bike path at the Lachine Canal in Montreal, Huodenosaunee territory, and the production of a short video and audio pieces, I explore these questions. In this analysis I experiment with media techniques I aim to use for my MA research-creation project in Communications.


I approach this research as a white settler Canadian with British and Afrikaans heritage.

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